Friday, September 21, 2018

Since I was young, I was not very good at expressing myself. Describing my emotions was something that I always had a problem with. Writing was my escape from this problem. Whatever I felt, it came out pouring through letters. But I realized this quite late but not too late. I started writing about a year ago. And when I say the word 'writing', you have conjured up an image in your head of me writing eloquent prose or a fictitious story. But I wrote about something very simple but yet so difficult to put in words: my thoughts. My random thoughts about a child running beside me to my thoughts about a child dying of starvation. From a quiet walk at the beach to the historic events that the crabs and waves would remember. I was very secretive about my "works" because I convinced myself that it was personal and something that I created. When I finally mustered up the courage to show these to my mum, she made me realize that there was an underlying fear behind this shadow I had enveloped myself in: my fear of criticism. Blogging is the platform to overcome this innate fear of mine and to become a little more confident about what I write. I ain't no Shakespeare or Jeyamohan but each and every word that I post are truly from the bottom of my heart. Today when I have created this blog, I will be posting my works under two labels: Poems and What's happening around me? None of them are conventional forms of writing and are far from the works that most are familiar with.  Thank You for taking your time to read at least some part of this blog. 



  1. Omg varshhhhhh. YOU HAVE ALL MY SUPPORT. And I’m VERY VERY VERY proud of you. Fly high bro. And keep posting okay? You are extremely talented and I’m glad you finally realised it. Lots of love xoxo

  2. 💕💕💕 👍🏾Way to go gal... 😘

  3. This is beautiful.. Seriously good luck! 💕
